Triad Green Job Center

Building a more just, resilient, and sustainable local economy together

When we think about our community’s need for cleaner air and water, people-first transportation, more green space, equitable job creation and living wages, it is easy to see that there is so much work that needs doing. But oftentimes the jobs that are available don’t match the critical work that needs to be done.

PEA's Triad Green Job Center is filling in that gap, with a mission to:

  1. Ensure an abundance of meaningful, good-paying, green jobs here in the Greater Winston-Salem area; and

  2. Help job-seekers find dignified, joyful places to work in the local green economy.

Green Career Expo 2024

September 19th
10:30am - 1pm
@ Project Space 411,
Downtown Winston-Salem

Helping members of our community find jobs and careers that match the work that needs doing 

Our Green Career Expo will be the first of its kind in our region of North Carolina, with the ultimate goals of 1) helping job-seekers find dignified, joyful places to work in our local green economy and 2) amplifying the sustainable practices and impacts that businesses and nonprofits are making across our community.

For high school and college students simply looking for direction to early and mid-career professionals hoping to better understand their transferable skills and find a job that more aligns with their values, we will be a one-stop shop. 

Sponsors and exhibitors can register here