
Working together to build a more sustainable community

We're taking action in our community to advocate for environmental policy and institutional changes.

Learn more about our ongoing community action initiatives and join us today. 

Sustainability Roundtable

Connecting Environmental Leaders

PEA's Sustainability Roundtable brings together leaders from across sectors to build the relationships and partnerships needed for local action on climate and environmental justice.
This biannual event began in October 2019 and re-launched in May 2022 to:

  • Build relationships and connections among individuals and groups working on environmental sustainability in Forsyth County and surrounding areas; 
  • Reach a better understanding of the range and depth of environmental programs and projects in Forsyth County and beyond; 
  • Identify new and expanded opportunities for partnership and collaboration in local environmental work; 
  • Assess what groups need to connect/collaborate and accomplish their goals. 


Environmental Action Coalition

Working together to advocate for change

Our coalition is developing shared vision, strategy, and messaging to advocate for environmental policies and actions in North Carolina's Piedmont region. Join us for monthly meetings and a shared email list to communicate together as we build power for a more just, resilient, and sustainable community.

This coalition is open to individuals and groups across sectors. 

Contact us to learn more

Green Business Network

Did you know that nearly half of U.S. consumers say they would change their consumption habits to reduce environmental impact? If you're like us, then you value businesses that are committed to protecting our environment and improving local sustainability. That's why we launched the Piedmont Environmental Alliance Green Business Network.

PEA's Green Business Network is an innovative program designed to help people in our community identify sustainable businesses while providing a roadmap to sustainability to local business owners. 

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Environmental Policy

PEA is dedicated to promoting environmental policies and practices at the local level to help drive big, systematic change in our region. Our efforts include:

Eliminating Styrofoam Lunch Trays in WS/FC Schools

Not only do styrofoam lunch trays contribute to the huge global problem of single-use plastic, they also release harmful chemicals when exposed to heat. PEA took action by convening members of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County school board and collecting more than 175 messages of support collected from community members. The school board moved to eliminate styrofoam from lunch rooms district wide, transitioning to all reusable and compostable lunch trays instead.

100% Renewable Energy Resolutions

In 2020, PEA joined forces with advocates from Sierra Club Foothills Group, Citizens Climate Lobby, NC Climate Solutions Coalition, the Poor People's Campaign, and The Climate Reality Project WS to pass resolutions in both Forsyth County and the City of Winston-Salem to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050. . Click here to read the full City of Winston-Salem resolution.

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Lunch & Learns + Webinars

These informative, adult learning opportunities provide expert knowledge on issues relevent for our community, from climate resilience gardens to net-zero homes. All Lunch & Learn and Webinar events are FREE for PEA members and donate-what-you-can for members of the community.

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Waste Reduction Initiatives

PEA consults with local community members, businesses, and non-profits to transition to lower waste practices.

Do you want to host a low-waste event or transition to lower waste practices at your business, home or non-profit?

Contact us to discuss how we can help

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