A Lecture by Adonia Lugo, Antioch University Los Angeles, Author of Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance

March 23, 2020 - 5:30pm
Z. Smith Reynolds Library Room 404, 1834 Wake Forest Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Wake Forest University's “Transportation is Everything” is a spring-semester event series, in collaboration with partners across the university and the Winston-Salem community. We’ll explore who travels where, how, and with what consequences for our neighborhoods and community. This series is sponsored by the WFU Humanities Institute and the Office of Sustainability. Please click here for more information.

Special Guest Speaker Adonia Lugo, an anthropologist who researches and writes about cycling as a mode of transportation for the urban poor, will give a presentation that is free and open to the public.

Dr. Adonia E. Lugo is an urban anthropologist and mobility justice strategist based in Los Angeles. she is also the Interim Chair of the MA in Urban Sustainability (USMA) at Antioch University Los Angeles. She collaborates with folks around the country to envision a sustainable transportation future centered in the needs and experiences of historically marginalized communities and people of color. She is the author of Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance, a memoir about racial justice and sustainable transportation.